Wednesday 31 October 2012

Gluten Free Pizza Bases

Using the ingredients from *Gluten Free Flour Recipe or a Pre-prepared GF plain Flour the following is the old Italian way to make Pizza........

Using 2-3 cups of GF flour making a well in the centre, add 2 tablespoons of good quality Olive oil and a good dash of Himalayan sea salt.
You can use a sourdough yeast (ask a local bakery if the can supply you) or even some probiotic cultures/ yoghurt. In this I have used a natural yeast powder in tepid water.

Mix the yeast/yoghurt/tepid water, oil and salt into the well of the dough with your finger and combine ingredients until they have come together. Keep adding liquid/moist ingredients gradually until the flour comes together in a smooth and silky consistency.

The dough formed should not be sticky, and resemble the consistency of photograph 2. Roll and fold this dough for a few minutes before setting aside to rest.
GF dough does not knead well - so be gentle.

Flour a bowl and place the rolled ball of dough inside and cover with a damp towel and leave for 1 hour. GF flour does not rise like Wheat and Pizza  flours due to the lack of Gluten. GF flour dough can become dry in this time and may require more tepid water when rolling and folding after this resting period. This is because GF flour is more absorbent that regular flour.

I prefer to use a Pizza Stone for cooking Pizza. You need it warm but not hot when you add the dough. Otherwise it will start to cook and stick to the stone. I always sprinkle some Rice Crumbs on the stone before hand to add extra crunch to the base when it is cooked!
You can use a rolling pin, but I find that using my fingers I am able to press the smooth dough out into a rustic round base. Add your pizza sauce (make your own!) and then toppings.

#Consider Cashew or Macadamia Cream for a cheese alternative 


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