Sunday 24 February 2013

Breakfast Challenge Day 1

Breakfast cereals were introduced to (American) consumers during the early 1900's and some dating back to the 18th Century, but I doubt very much they resembled the same highly manufactured food product we see on our supermarket shelves today. It begs the question: "What in the world did people eat before boxed breakfast cereals came along?" It is a good point because today people really struggle to think "outside the box" when it comes to breakfast.

Manufacturers have made their product indispensable, tasty, addictive, easy, convenient - but they have also contributed to the rise in obesity and diabetes in growing western populations. Highly processed grains - especially wheat, with sugars and additives are not the best start to the day and they can often leave adults and children feeling the effects of fatigue, bloating, and hypo-glycaemia (low blood sugar). They are what I call 'dead' food and they contribute almost nothing to your family's vitality and wellbeing.

In my clinic I have many women/mothers who struggle with that first meal of the day. This has been the inspiration for my Breakfast Challenge - so you can eat like me for a week and see how you feel. These are simple meals I commonly make for myself as I multi-task the morning duties. They are not elaborate (who has time for that?) but I guarantee that if you stick to these principles you will be feeling fresher and more energised by the end...And who doesn't want that?

Good luck!

This breakfast will be crunchy, chewy, tasty, real, live, satisfying and full of healthy fats and energy to get you through your busy morning. It is a great source of fibre and packed full of nutrients.

Nutty Delight

Small handful of whole raw macadamias and cashews
A small amount of fresh raw pepitas (I really like the Black Syrian Pepitas)
A good sprinkling of raw organic coconut threads
1 Fresh Nectarine or Papaya (Red Paw-Paw)

Add 1/4 cup of fine oats if you need the extra bulk - but I rarely do this.
Use a milk alternative. Try Almond (make your own), Oat, Rice, Goat, Raw milk or BONSOY.

*If you want to get a little more funky Activate (soak) your nuts.
Why? Because it removes the Phytic acid naturally occurring in the nuts and renders the mineral and protein more absorbable. Macadamias and Cashews only require a short soaking - even 20 minutes in filtered room temperature water will do.

Good for you! Celebrate what you just offered your body to thrive and get out there and go for it......... 


  1. Love your posts & the breaky challenge concept! Looks scrumptious. Personally, I would eat my fruit first, say 20 minutes before having a slow digesting protein-complex carb meal such as nuts & oats. Whilst seprating fast digesting fructose-based foods from slow digesting protein, complex carb & healthy fat foods works for me, I can see this tasty little breakfast would be great for someone who is beginning the transition from conventional cereal to something more wholesome. So good on you Melanie for getting the challenge going! Very inspirational... Look forward to the next breaky delight:-)

  2. Thanks BP. You are right of course. Separating the digestive processes involved with Fructose & Protein meals ensures efficient absorption of nutrients and less fermentation. My aim at this stage is to introduce healthy breakfast options to busy mums who usually eat in one mad gulp. I really appreciate your comment and would love more feedback as we go...... :)

  3. Congratulations! This is the great things. Thanks to giving the time to share such a nice information.
    Toronto Naturopath
