Tuesday 26 February 2013

Breakfast Challenge Day 3

Refined empty carbohydrates and sugars comprise many of the calories we consume in our diet today. They are major contributors to Insulin Resistance (Syndrome X) which I believe is a Condition of the 21st Century. 
Insulin resistance occurs when the hormone Insulin fails to be recognised by the Cells in the body, causing Blood Glucose (sugar) to rise and the Pancreas to eventually fatigue. The body does only what it can with the excess Glucose and stores it as Body Fat. People with Syndrome X find it difficult to lose weight, suffer tiredness, headaches and often retain fluid. They store much of the body fat around their abdomen, giving them that classic apple or pear shape. Syndrome X may contribute to hormonal disruptions and even Type 2 Diabetes. Where do we find such empty carbohydrates and refined sugars?

Here is a clue: 

Are they for ceREAL?

Breakfast is a time to set the right tone for your digestive system and energy levels.
I like to eat simple meals high in healthy protein through out the week to give my GIT a rest. To keep it clean and happy, so that it can give it's best to me. This in turn improves my mood, energy, and fitness - things I have come to rely on as a mother!

Here is a simple breakfast snack that is refreshing, light, and simple to make.

Sunrise Crunch

1 cup of chopped chunks of rock melon (papaya, pineapple, pear or apple is ok too)
1/4 cup of Raw Macadamias
Raw Buckwheat (lightly roasted buckwheat is also nice)
Sheep's, Coconut, or Organic Plain Yoghurt - sometimes I use Organic Coconut Cream, though CoYo Coconut yoghurt is pricey, it's perfectly Divine!
A small handful of Buckwheat kernels on top
*Consider a sprinkle of Bee Pollen too if you have some

For optimal digestive enzyme activity, this combination requires slow and thorough chewing. Yes, remember when you used to do that? Drink plenty of water through out the morning.


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