Wednesday 27 February 2013

Breakfast Challenge Day 4

Digestive enzymes are tiny active components within our digestive tract and their job is to break down our food for proper absorption. Healthy digestive enzyme activity makes for a healthy and happy gastro-intestinal tract and bowel. A diet high in refined foods and sugars disturbs the delicate balance of these enzymes and renders the gut sluggish and weak. I believe gut enzymes are too often overlooked when it comes to restoring and improving gut health.

You can supplement your diet with digestive-enzymes but it is equally important to eat foods that naturally encourage and support their growth and activity. Fermented foods such as Kefir yoghurt or REAL yoghurt, sprouted breads, various sprouts, miso, mushrooms, sauerkraut, and raw milk are examples of the kinds of foods that contain their own enzymes (and bacteria) that in turn stimulate our own. Sadly, these foods are rarely eaten today, especially by children, and our 'taste' for them has diminished as a result.

I like to eat sprouted bread occasionally (and you can make your own). It is dense, satisfying, full of protein, fibre and nutrients. I also love that rich nutty flavour and texture. It is a healthy addition to many meals such as a quick breakfast, with eggs, as a snack, and lovely with soup during the cooler months. You can toast it - as I have done in the recipe below, but as you develop a taste for it, I encourage you to eat it sliced thinly and raw (in order to retain enzymes).

There is no technique to making this breakfast. It is a simple combination of flavours and textures with hempseeds and some fresh fruit on the side. It is quick to make and full of protein, complex carbohydrates, minerals, fibre, essential fatty acids, and flavour. A cup of rooibos tea with fresh ginger on the side is a lovely compliment to the offering you are making to your wonderful body!

Macadamia Spread (or Almond/ Cashew are fine too)
Sprinkle with Hemp seeds
*a small spread of butter - if it is real and not margarine/butter spread
Sprouted Bread 1 -2 thin slices (I like the Khorasan Bread)
Fresh or frozen Raspberries and a sliced Nectarine - this I added recently to break up the dense texture of this dish. You could easily add an egg, some fresh herbs, or some raw nuts.

*If you are a health buff like me, stir in a little raw organic Coconut oil with your nut spreads. Totally yummy, and super charged with goodness!

1 comment:

  1. Another fab b'fast (& pic too:)! Need to get some of that sprouted bread, would like to know more about it, so will ask my friend google.Great to see how versatile the hemp seed is, as unfamilar ingredients like this can end up past their used by date in the pantry after initial purchase unless you get familiar with adding them to this & that. Keep up the easy-peasy, nutritious breaky's Melanie! Hope everyone is enjoying them as much as me.
