Thursday 24 May 2012

Super sperm = Super baby

What makes sperm healthy?
Let's start by describing what makes sperm unhealthy!

Stress, alcohol, caffeine, obesity, excessive abdominal fat, lack of sleep, diet's high in sugar and processed food, low fruit and vegetable intake, lack of exposure to adequate sunlight, low exercise and activity levels, mineral deficiency, a genetic disposition.

I am not sure about you, or your partners, but I may have just described 80% of the male population.
Too busy, too stressed, too fast, too hungry, too tired and the list goes on and on, and the cycle feeds itself over and over again.

Most of these symptoms are a result of a busier lifestyle with increasing social and work pressures. It is not always inescapable. We cannot simply retire to the mountain ranges to avoid reality. However, we can manage our wellbeing and diets to maximise our health and improve the health and vitality of ourselves and....sperm.

Too often I see the results of high stress negating the chances of conception. It absolutely cannot be underestimated how stress plays a role in ageing the body and it's functions. One of the best ways to resist the impacts of stress on the body is to eat well. Sounds simple, but there is more to it than that. You have to be interested in healthy food, you must desire wellness in order for you to change your dietary habits. This is not choosing to eat McDonald's twice a week instead of 4 times, it is about eating to nourish and sustain wellness. It is choosing to be well. Health comes down to simply a choice!

So what makes sperm healthy?

  • A diet rich in essential fatty acids (EFA's) these are the good fats - Olive Oil, Avocado Oil, Hemp Seed Oil, Flax seed Oil, Coconut Oil and natural occurring oils in various foods such as raw nuts and seeds
  • Minerals and Vitamins such as Zinc, and Vitamin D
  • Foods that are low in processed sugars and white flours, preservatives and additives
  • Healthy sources of protein from raw nuts and seeds, eggs, tofu and fish 
  • Fresh Fruits and Vegetables which contain valuable nutrients that support sperm production
  • Regular exercise, how can you expect your sperm to be healthy if you are not?
  • Clean Water! Many sperm counts indicate intracellular dehydration, and that can affect sperm health
There are many ways, nutrients, foods, and herbs to improve the health and motility of sperm. You need the right information and the right guidance when approaching conception. Sperm is only 1 of the ingredients necessary to make a healthy and happy baby!


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