Sunday 3 June 2012

Nature Woman

How connected to nature are you? Do you consider Nature part of you? or is it something that lurks out in the garden with the snails and weeds? How often do you look to Mother Nature for meaning, advice or encouragement? Do you notice her at all?
Every day magic exists around us. It is not forced to act or please us. It just is.
There are many times in our lives we take it for granted, but I am in a process of finding joy in little moments, and I am surprised at how often I notice the natural world around me.

This is a wonderful gift to share with children of any age, as it seems we are able to rediscover the tiny miracles of nature again. No imagination is built without including the outside elements; what child doesn't enjoy rolling up their sleeves and getting dirty? Like children, we are able to enjoy the sun sparkling on the ocean, the breeze making songs in the trees, and watching the clouds humming by in the cool breeze. When was the last time I did that? and enjoyed it?

It does not come without sacrificing other things, such as hanging the washing by 10am, or packing the dishwasher so it can be ready to repack before dinner, or making the beds before my mother arrives. It means making a priority of connecting to the Natural world around us. Everyday. In the little ways that we can.
I find the more I do that, the more I enjoy it, and I am able to see my self as an integral part of it. The very actions and processes within me reflect those of the natural world. We co-exist, we are not separate, and we have so much to learn from each other.

Next time you are outside, don't forget to look around you, and up into the sky, and if your head is down - make sure it is looking for bugs, and not staring into the washing basket!


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