Friday 4 November 2011

Empathy, a mother's gift to another

Last nights episode of 'The Slap' based on the character Rosie had me churning on the inside. I hadn't warmed to her character till then, though I was interested in her choices such as breastfeeding her 4 year old son. It was obvious that she was emotionally imbalanced, but it was difficult to know what was feeding her insecurities. As she sat in the witness box, the defence coming down hard on her I felt like I was crumbling too. Rosie's crushing past with Post Natal Depression was tangible as she broke down on the stand. I suddenly understood her, her choices, her pain, her great love and heavy grief. Fear drives many of the symptoms of Post Natal Depression (PND). The fear of harming your child, the fear of failing, the fear of not being able to cope, or escape. When we see tired, irritated mothers chasing their children, rarely do we see past the frenzy of the moment, like the pain, fear or grief she may be harbouring alone. PND affects more than 30% of mothers. It does not always occur straight away but sometimes many months down the track. Pre-determining factors such as a history of depression, or poor health, or major life changes can contribute. Rosie has a long path of forgiveness ahead of her, and it is a very personal and challenging road. If I was a mum nearby Rosie, I would like to help her but how? Sometimes an understanding smile; a simple "how are you going?"; or another mother's empathy is all it takes to start the healing process. As mother's we can do this for each other!    


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