Monday 31 October 2011

Tear, Cut, Stretch.....

Episiotomy. It is the word that sends a shiver down the spine's of all child bearing women. The truth is that not all women tear or are cut during birth. Many women give birth naturally without so much of a scratch. What's the secret?                 
Good nutrition is vital to your body's work in preparing the perineum for stretching during birth. Hormonal changes during pregnancy cause the tissues of your cervix and perineum to become extremely thick and elastic. Crucial to this process is an adequate intake of protein such as fish, nuts and seeds, and beans & pulses; vitamin E; and short-chain fatty acids, which consist of two types of 'good' fat, Omega-3 and Omega-6. Short-chain fatty acids are found in nuts and seeds, cold-pressed oils, all types of beans, and fish such as salmon.
Vitamin C is also very beneficial for cellular elasticity and regeneration. It can be found in citrus foods, most readily, but also in dark green vegetables. Silica is vital in maintaining connective tissue integrity. Massaging the Perineum is also of benefit. You can do this with sweet almond oil, massaging and gently stretching the perineum to your comfort level. This should be done regularly, and after a shower before bed is the best time. I believe the most effective ways to avoid tearing is deep breathing and birthing techniques that allow the perineum to stretch and remain supple. Calmbirth is an example of this. Your birth is your own body's journey, try to relax and let the body do what it has been perfectly designed to do!


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