Monday 5 December 2011

Salad ... not a dirty word!

Nothing frightens me more than a naked bowl of iceberg lettuce, cucumber, and tomato. In fact, it causes me great distress to see a dish so defamed. As I stand in my kitchen most days, I conjure the salad goddess within, it isn't always easy but I love the challenge. Every time I finish a lovely bowl of fresh salad(s) I am amazed of the simple goodness in it. When I mention salads to people I am certain they flash back to that aforementioned naked bowl. I can see the deep seeded terror of that benign iceberg lettuce lurking in their sub conscious!
No food or dish provides more antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, fibre and phyto-nutrients. Is this something to get excited about? Yes! It is. Most of the produce you can grow yourself, especially a variety of fresh herbs which always add a fabulous flavour to any salad. Herbs are rich in flavour and colour and it is these qualities that indicate high antioxidant content. They also stimulate and soothe the digestive tract. I have not come by many salads that a good bunch of continental parsley, coriander, and basil has hurt. When I want to add a protein I choose clean, fresh, easy to digest proteins such a goats cheese, or steamed fish. I always add some nuts (mostly walnuts) to add that great nutty flavour and crunch. If I want some carbohydrates I add some roasted beets or sweet potato, chic peas or broad beans.Think outside the box - add some sliced fruit, fresh grapes, or some flower petals such as nasturtiums! Make it colourful, textural and sensual.  
Increasing your salad intake means lowering your wheat and bread intake. Your digestion and bowel will thank you for it!

My whizz-bang salad dressing (a staple in my cupboard)
Avocado Oil
Olive Oil
Mustard seeds
Organic Apple Cider Vinegar
Lime Juice (or you can add some balsamic vinegar)
Seasoning - Celtic Sea Salt and freshly ground pepper


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