Thursday 16 February 2012

Think yourself well

There is a mind set which enables us to think well, eat well, and to nurture our physical bodies. It comes from a place of self awareness and knowledge and ultimately a desire to be healthy. You can not travel this road without first confronting your perception of you, your lifestyle and habits, and it can be a tough direction to take if you are not ready to make some big decisions.

A move towards wellbeing involves one person, you! Making better choices about how you live is important, but you also need to understand how your body works, and develop an ear for it's voice. I have found the most 'successfully well' people have entered their journey hungry for information, ways, avenues that work for them. The more energy you give to this journey, the further you are able to travel. Ask yourself, do you know what it is like to feel really good? well? energetic? happy? not just "not tired today". 

Imagine feeling rested and recharged every morning, and feeling optimistic about your day.
Picture yourself eating life giving nutrients from foods that nourish rather than foods that pollute you. Imagine yourself feeling fit and energetic. As you think, so you become. I believe health is a choice and a way of life. It is not a commodity, but a gift you are able to give to yourself. And it is the gift that keeps giving!    


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