Wednesday 7 March 2012

Aaaargh Stress!

We could all confess to some degree of stress in our lives. In a bid to make our lives more comfortable, easier and desirable, technology has befitted us with a dis-ease of huge proportions. How many times I have heard my mother and/or grandparents comment that they didn't have television, 3 wheeler prams, iPads and so on. So it startles me to realise the frenetic pace at which I am parenting at times. Is it a social and technological pressure? Peer pressure? Or is it the state of which the world is turning?

Regardless of the reasons, 'stress' does things to our bodies. Overtime it can derail entire hormonal systems and create a state of internal disharmony. Of course, this only makes matters worse for our bodies as they battle the ageing and oxidising symptoms of stress.
Apart from the hormonal effects, I believe the most damaging symptoms are those habits in which we fall upon to supposedly 'soothe' the stress, such as relying on coffee, alcohol, sugar and fast foods, and opting for a physical shut down: "I am too tired".
If there is anytime our body requires more nurturing and nourishment, it is when we are stressed. Eating regularly and choosing healthy nutritious foods and getting outdoors and burning off some of that Adrenaline are very basic and simple ways you can manage your stress levels. Magnesium is an important mineral in the treatment of stress, as it relaxes the muscular system and is involved with the cells ability to generate energy. Antioxidants combat the fatigue caused by prolonged stress and protect the body from free radical damage.
I have concluded that 'stress' is always going to be there, in some form. How I prepare myself for this is the key to my wellbeing and longevity.

Sometimes the best way to start managing your stress is to simply 'begin'. Small changes often lead to bigger ones and before you know it, you will be feeling better, more relaxed, energetic and parenting from the heart - not from the Adrenal glands!


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