Thursday 12 July 2012

A peaceful world........

"A baby's brain structure is influenced by the environment early in life, and especially by maternal care, such as touch” The Journal of Neuroscience.

There really is no substitute for healing and caring touch! And no medicine or supplement can offer the same amount of comfort, security and reassurance than the touch of a mother!
It is so underrated.

I realised this a couple of nights ago as my 4 year old lay terribly sick in bed with the aches and pains of the Influenza virus passing through his little body.
In his weakness and discomfort, massaging his back gently and placing my hands on the areas where it hurt was enough to soothe him into a deep restful state. I am no Reiki master, but I am a mother and I believe this qualifies me greatly for healing purposes when it comes to my children!

A study in 2010 on the "importance of maternal touch and the developing brains of small babies found that maternal care and other sensory input triggered activity in a baby's developing brain that improves cognitive function and builds resilience to depression and stress".

Wow! In this case, I cannot help but consider the prevalence of *Post Natal Depression where there is a lack of touch and maternal connection with the baby, and how this cycle of stress and depression can repeat itself.

Soothing a baby and nurturing their distress is one thing, but cuddles, snuggles and other forms of physical affection are just some of the non verbal ways we can offer our love and care to our children which thus affects the development of their brain. I believe loving parental touch is hugely important right throughout childhood (and indeed as adults too!).

Touch is so much more than a physical act; it heals, communicates and reinforces love and acceptance. I know what it feels like to have children 'climbing all over you - all day' but how much of that climbing are you using to convey these messages? or are you peeling them off you at every turn? I have found that making a few conscious cuddle pit-stops in the day where I focus all my energy into being a doting, caring, loving mother appears to settle and calm my children. They seem less frustrated and communicate better with me. This is observational, but I encourage you to do the same. I know you and your children will only benefit!

*If you have PND and you are reading this - you are probably terrified, but you are not alone. Please seek help!

Early-Life Experience Reduces Excitation to Stress-Responsive Hypothalamic Neurons and Reprograms the Expression of Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone, Journal of Neuroscience 2010


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