Friday 16 September 2011

From Little things Big things Grow

The time to start your wellbeing plan is now! The change of season is a perfect time to detox or simply re-invent your health. It begins when you do .... so what are you waiting for? Brush off that box of herbal tea you've pushed behind the coffee, buy the sourdough bread that is a shelf below the regular loaves, try that brand of Soy Milk for a couple of weeks instead of the milk in the fridge.  
Any healthy change in your diet, big or small, is an investment in you! Consider eating for your well being, rather than your waist line and you will reap the benefits of Health.
I find that people will put off a detox or diet until later. And whilst there are benefits to being prepared and ready for major dietary changes, small everyday changes can start with one small decision. That small decision generally becomes a greater change and soon enough you are feeling good. Wellness sometimes comes from doing something positive for yourself, even considering your self  wholistically. I know that when I am preparing a healthy lunch with plenty of salads, and clean food I feel really happy about caring for my self .... considering my self!
Buy a detox blend or relaxing blend of herbal tea. Drink more water each day. Switch your Weetbix or regular pre-packaged cereals with a healthy muesli with fresh fruit and real yoghurt. Start those walks or jogging a long the beach or around the block. Little changes can become really important for your mind and body, and the whole family! 


  1. So true. That's why I'm dissapointed that I'm not on top at the moment when I do all of the above haha. Well, maybe not the walking on the beach bit in the morning, now that would be a dream! It's all about respecting our bodies.

  2. If you are eating well and looking after your health and still there is somehting not quite right ... perhaps it is time to book in for some help and guidance!
