Monday 12 September 2011

Gimme some Sleep!

Oh ... if only you could bottle 'sleep'. I have come to learn as a parent that sleep is one of the most important nutrients for the body. I have been on all sides of sleep deprivation: baby, toddler, late pregnancy, and self imposed insomnia. None of it has been easy, even though I took an early pledge of acceptance. The bare truth of the matter is that prolonged sleep deprivation affects the nervous system and the immune system. It can be a total lose:lose situation, and for exhausted mum's, a disaster.
Sleep allows the body to rest, but also re-vitalises the brain and it's many functions involved in maintaining vitality. So many of our body processes rely on healthy brain function. In fact, entire systems, including the reproductive hormones are dependent on it's health.
Vitality is a state of complete well being, and for most of us it is a goal rather than a reality. Busy mum's and working women seem too quick to put their needs at the end of the list. How often I find myself considering my needs (and appearance) in the car on the way somewhere! I appreciate this is common place in early parenthood.
Are you getting enough quality sleep? Are you waking refreshed? Many simple diet and lifestyle changes can help. Herbs like Passion Flower and Skullcap, and minerals such as Magnesium also offer much support for regular restful sleep.
Functioning on little sleep can change your day-to-day immensely: emotions, feelings, activities, and self care suffer greatly. In the bigger picture, if left untreated, sleep deprivation can lead into serious health problems. Don't accept it as normal if it is ongoing, and making your life and health miserable.  


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