Thursday 22 September 2011

Secondary Infertility Hurts ....

When I was young, I did not consider if I would be 'fertile' later in life. As women, and indeed girls, we take our ability to conceive perhaps too lightly; and for couples that have had a healthy bouncing baby, the experience of secondary infertility is frustrating and heart breaking. There can be as much grief as the inability to conceive a first baby. It is a difficult, long and very personal journey for couples.
Apart from breast-feeding, the causes of secondary infertility are many and varied (as for primary infertility) and may include low thyroid function, irregular periods, or the diagnosed Polycystic Ovarian syndrome. They can also include Insulin Resistance and hormone imbalances or even hormone deficiencies such as Progesterone. This can occur in young and older women. I like to think of fertility as a good season. A good season is conditional on less work, more resources and free time(?) which can be difficult to create in the presence of sleepless nights and the business of attending to a toddler’s needs. Your reproductive health and wellbeing can be assisted through wholistic nutrition, reproductive herbs, and minerals, counselling and a proper weight management. Natural fertility management is exactly that ... managing your Fertility and reproductive wellbeing!  


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