Sunday 25 September 2011

Separation Anxiety .. my story!

The birth of my 2nd son was fast and incident free. My recovery was just as quick and the adrenal hormones were in full surge. I felt great! The familiar sense of accomplishment was there and I was amazed at how relaxed I felt. I was ready to take on this next stage of our family chapter with gusto!
Around day 4 the baby blues settled in. It was like a shadow entering the room and sitting down within me. I suddenly looked at my 1st born child with fear, and grief. I felt like he didn't need me anymore. I cried. And I cried. And I kept crying for some time. People would offer to take Archie (my 1st son) for a walk to give me a break. I wouldn't have it. If someone offered to read him a story I would feel possessive and think "NO! I can do that". I would make any opportunity to do things for him. I was suffocating him. I was experiencing deep separation anxiety. I was losing it. How did this happen? Was it normal?
I am now 17 months down the track of this very wild and emotional ride. Fortunately I have gained some perspective. Mild separation anxiety is normal for many mothers after the birth of subsequent children. It does depend on personality traits and I believe can be influenced by the birthing experience also. With dedicated cognitive counselling, time, and lots of tender loving support and understanding from friends and family the mind and body can heal. They say it takes a village to raise a child. I believe this is true. Especially when the village compassionately takes mum under it's wing too.
How do you treat separation anxiety? More to come on this in the next blog!


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