Thursday 6 October 2011

The Mother in Me .....

Ever collected yourself around a corner clutching your chest thinking "what have I done?" I certainly have had a few of those moments, acting out the very things I swore I would not say and do. Where does it come from? Are our mother's really to blame? Are they recessed childhood memories scratching the surface, lurking in the shadows of your best efforts?  When we have our babies, and they grow to be children, we think "will they be tall? will they be blonde? will they walk by 1?" Seldom do we ask "are they going to be Okay?"
One of the more crushing aspects of parenthood is our children's behavioural, mental and spiritual health. Especially when they are modelling their behaviours on our own.
Scared yet? 
If children model their emotions, behaviours, and esteem on you it is only fair to honour your self too. How many times do you encourage yourself in the same way you do for your children. "Wow! I am doing a really good job!" How many times do you say to yourself "eat this because it will keep you healthy" Or "Gee I look great today!"? Children learn affection and build self esteem from the way in which we communicate with ourselves, in our homes and the outside world. A memory of mine at 16 years old - the age of low self esteem, was my mother walking back from a mirror and saying aloud "I look great today". We all fell on the floor laughing, but I do remember being shocked by her acceptance of herself and indeed her positive perception of herself. That was new to me, and I've never forgotten it! The very act of nurturing and taking care of yourself has a flow-on effect. It can't not! This comes from nourishing, nurturing and being kind to the mother in you. By doing this we are teaching our children to do the same. I believe this is one of the most important gifts we can give them. 


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